Friday, 9 April 2010

what a friend really is.

they don't have anything to ask in return.

glad i did the right thing.
to this person.,im not regret,not even slightly,cross your name out of the list.n oh im sorry,i gave too much hopes,am i?
suck it up.


dyanna said...

hi dearie..
what's with that negative aura??
kinda late, i know..
but here i am. ur crutches, even from afar..
cheer up!! =)

Farahin Esa said...

hoo..sape nye sarah nie??

maisarah said...

yana,thanks for your fine,enough saying,

ain..some random people i've meet and i thought we share the same way.but apparently not..huhu,i miss the true friend like we have old days.