but i remember a few which for some reason i enjoyed doing them
- chinese new year-the food was awesome.lyk seriously
- london-chinatown is worth going
- manchester game-second runner up wasn't that bad.n the foods again were tremendously delicious,i felt lyk crying to eat satay,laksa,nasi kerabu and to see the heaven where most of msia foods lined up.but a few mins later when i went back to get laksa for tapau it all finished..:(:(how sad was that..
- movie merry-my name is khan..there's some parts where u can't get urself agree with them.
look lyk im enjoying myself huh?yes..and now im deadly regret..sob3x.
now it march and 3 weeks left for easter break where the tense will tie me tight and nex come the summer exam which make my adrenaline jump higher than b4.*dreading
at least for now,better not worrying yet..the good thing is, this is the last week of project.*screw it..i don't wanna care if it work or not..i had enough with this experiment..but the good thing isn't last long kann.,the remaining weeks are to finish the report.how im not going to care if the experiment going well or not,??what im suppose to write in if it is not work...*pray hard so that the last session of lab going well.:):)
on a different note,recently this song keep repeating in my playlist..n i love it.
the saturday-ego
hope for a bliss monday.
and ouh yeah it's spring..it is a pleasure to see one flower blooms and sunlight in the room.:):)
and now i want to take a Duvet Xpress and travel to the Dreamland Of Mine:)
haha. i felt like crying too getting to eat those food!! touched gilaaa kan wei!! haha. yes, we're the kind of people who get emotional on food. hahah. weird but true.
gudluck with ur report and remaning weeks of lectures!! then cuti! hehe.
happy spring btw!=)
hahahaha,imeyk nobody can beat the way u xpressed how glad were u eating those foods..lol.aku tgk gmbr ko hundred times pon nk gelak lg wei..xclude gmbr y ko delete:)u too captain!have a good weeks.
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