Thursday, 5 February 2009

snOwmman+snOw fight+snowrkliNG...

lalala~kerapnya writing blog,
it start on monday,when i woke up and slid part of my 'kotak' curtain..waaaa..everything was in white,covered with 2-3 tenth of snow~no wonder last night i'm overly freezing under the neat of my duvet.
this time my portable heater was really apprieciated.syg kamOo heater,xmo rosak2 yea..
nothing much,got class on 11..finishing my c++ dgn cepatnya,,xsbr nk blik.whatever,that evening succesfully pjuk ummi aliss,n jel.fIghting!!

effortlessly..ssh gilew kot nk wat snowman..from the bottom to the top..that snow ball keep freakin..nk bikin besau2 knon,,.
the begining
after all..haish,too tired lol.

n my library..

sharing is caring~papai..gotta go.having some works over here..n enjoY my snow~


Anonymous said...

sayang heater jugak....takmau rosak2 tau! kalau rosak nanti mai cranky,"sejuk sejuk"... Ahahahaha....

Wahai Mr.Snowman, kalau bukan mai ni budak bilik depan, memang takkan ku sanggup bikin kau dalam kesejukan snow tau tak???


maisarah said...

thanks miss "snowman"jasa mu dkenang~not cranky lol,just yearning.."haish..sjuknya.."

Fadzrul Hisyam said...

hangpa amek snow flakes and made a snowman....

wku kat sinih, makan corn flakes aje laa

maisarah said...

dtg cni lol~

Fadzrul Hisyam said...

tggu ade fulus laaa...
pasal negeri perak tuh, u can read or if you want ask more, send me an email so that i can tell you personally if you want privacy on that topic, but if you choose to know it in public, just ask me on my blog.