It has been quite long since my previous post..the rest of this night passed in blur..just waked up from a 'nap'..if anything seem weird just brush it off,.blurring~

made a move to stadium..amazingly this stadium look bigger on the tv screen but not the existent..behind the scene tour of the theater o dreams::...
sadly we make our way out from the fabulous stadium,.heading to the largest shopping complex in manchester..(this the way i like the journey)..trafford centre.what a baostful shopping complex..,the previous trip seriously making me "kondem" just fooled around the complex,,on the spur of the moment one of the bundle sweaters successfully caught my blinked eyes,wanna buy it but i did't even know his size~trok~lam byk2 bnda i asked him,never thought about his best fit size,.haish..
we decided to keep on this journey to where we were supposed to be..hahaha..everybody knows about it.secretly sneak out...what a cuak trip,.only me and Qied.nek bas pastu kna turun blik,..mati2 igt slah bas..remembering this phrase make me instantly laugh.."bus number 167,get off 3 stops after morison,."if only i knew this part would be the hardest part...when we get off the bus i looked around,muddled with the sudden feeling that i wasn't alone..

and this is me and buddy of the the chill of lightly snow..

yeay!at last i managed to get this "kotak2" layout..
nope ,xtually this is not all the reasons why i put my bliss on this post tonight, instead of work out my problem sheet,no,"problem shIt" onestly...haha....
just coming back from manchester,last weekend was really awesome for the beginning of this term,manchester is just rox..kick off~
yahoo!!it "old trafford",.stood up by the gate mumbling if i'm one of mU big fan,how proud it would be,.unfortunately i'm not one of them,.not even my brothers..the most massive mU supporter i rarely know is ummi~alalala...sorry dude,.p/s.u should be there,perfectly tremendous~
the greatest part was we travelled independently [wif aqidah...again,]meredah kota manchester..kindly thanks to shazrinaz and fatin for the accomodation..that day ade match so xley nk tour old trafford lebey2..nway,dpt jejak kaki kt ctu is just enough.."The theater of dreams"..numerously attractive things was there from the museum till the stadium tour,the double award winning Manchester United Museum line over the clubs triumph,tragedies and thropies
don't feel like to talk about the entire story..hahaha..
but thanks God,we were drived safely to ashworth camp site..
huh..what a lovely country side..seeing unfreakable cottage around the hillside,made me whispered if i could be here for the rest of mylife,..
ok thats all for bdak depan blik..sorry beeing lit bz lately..i noe, i noe i have been tagged..haish~
ups mai, tadi lupa nak cakap,kalau nak kata big fan, maksud yg sama is "massive, comel, cute, cun gile fan"..... aahahhahahahahahaha....... cepat, kang tag berganda2 kang... anyway, serious f****** s*** aku jeles! tak sabar mau gi!!!
poyos~haha onestly ummi mesti g..~tp jgn amik bus 167 tau..
OMG!!! You should see my reaction when I read this post! You made me so mad!!! Madder, maddest!!!!
Damn! You went there! Arrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!! It seems that I'll be sick until Manchester United win this year title.
YOU MADE ME SPEECHLESS!!! I want to go there too!!! For now, the most I can do is go to visit Stadium Darul Makmur... and our football getting worst!
OMG...what should I say! Damn! You made it before me! You are so damn hell rock!!!! [p/s: <18 cannot use this phrase ah...not big enough]
Anyway, I'm crying to go there, and I'm crying here to see you manage to go there. Cure me!!! Bring some buah tangan when you return to Malaysia!
p/s: I am a maniac MU fan too...just a little bit less then my roommate. I wish I can meet van Der Sar and Mr. Ferguson. And I want to see them at Bukit Jalil on this May...
one more thing, you're tagged! Come to my blog!
omg sham,poor you~haha seriously mancheste is just awesome for both mU fan or not,,.u should be there..hahaha,u should take a snap lol of your misery face reading this post..alala u got jealous till make me a tag..
mai..aku pon xleh lupe tour kite ke ashwort camp site.nek bas,turun bas,jalan kaki,naik last,selamat gak sampai..btw,sowi if aku de bad mood tyme tuh.well,aku mmg xnormal sket..haha
seyes aku takoOt gilew kot msa tuh~waa da la kna marh..nway.aku pon,xtually tu y mmbuatkn historY tu jd lg best.
some jealousy must come with some 'benda jahat' kan?
So, tagging you is the most 'benda jahat' can I do...
Maklumlah, though you left me like this when you went there, I still cannot see my lovely friend got lot of trouble in perantauan.
When you return home, be careful! My 'benda jahat' from my jealousy will be lagi jahat...
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