gratifyingly,i've my cnverse now.!!!!it was such like a SATISFACTION when the shoes in ur magic glass ball is now touchable,feel it instead of lookin and hopin da best,,.irritate x?haha,no,u shudn't,

last weekend was really amazed,the awesome complexity adorable.,i still remember all the paths on that day,in any case i got bag and purse as well..ni la pmpuan,i can't jus see that and doin nothin,haha..i end by just buy it.even i n0e i'll rarely use it..as i paid for this bag,lead me to recall this sntence,'asyik bli bag je,..(some word is cut off)..how many bags i hv now.syuhh..i dont want to buy it at all,we just drop by NEXT lookin for jeans nt for the bag,nway,.i luv bag,
i guess,the last thing i paid for is bag,.but once again this purse such like call my name rpeatedly,huh..haha,at a very first tme i want roxy,but disappointedly not so many choice avai,and i don't want to buy on9 since the probability 2 let me down is high..
i shud stop by now,if not i don't know what am i rabbiting all about..for a moment,i just want to lie down,my head is poundin wif rhytmic pain like sort of massive cncrete-breakr..
at last eh...
mcm2 la dak nih...
capal aku mane???
xde ke??
aku ade survey jgak.~
chemist couldnt stand chemistry, will never happen!!!
that, dear readers, was what happened when a chemist is in fight with a physicist... Lol!
hamboi nyaahhh...seronok hang dapat converse naaa...bag comel tak tunjuk kaaa?? mak nak tengok...
dun be shopaholic sudaa
confession of shopaholic. heheh ;)
k.dilla,i watched dat muve after all,mmg kna ngan btg hidOng on dat day,seb bek gak xjmpa AMC 2 wahaha
windu kamoo jugaklah!
been askin 4 dis link since ages.
skng br jmpe..
BTW snce u love converse so much y dun u gimme 1???hehehe :D
the day u post this is on 23rd of february... it means dat the day after this date is my BDAY!!!! n...., u bought dat converse only 4 u baBE????? is iTTTT???!!!!!! how dare u!!!!! all sort of things was make me feel veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy2 JELOUS!!!! GOSH!!!!
i just need to say this thing...
watever it is..., PLzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............., give my bDAY presenTTT!!!!!! hahahahahhaha..... it compulsory ok!!!!! =P
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