Sunday, 3 May 2009

paper and pencil..

"Love is givin sumeone your heart, knowin that they can destroy your whole world when you do that, but trusting that person not to do that"..

***thru all dis time i still can't find the best way in deligate all this thoughts upon u.,sorry for that,.*sigh

~i still have a battle to go,do pray for me,.even if i know u may not read this..

act,all the test pads da abes,.dakwat pen pon da kering,..sgt malas tuk keluar ke ryman and grab some,..*sigh,hopefully i can say it almost done..revising all the things and with God willing i can walk to the exam hall with all the readiness,.
yesterday masoc(malaysian society) hold a mjlis solat remind me past 2 or 3 years ago,when i sit for the spm,.how i miss a very single things i did xperienced in school.. the exm is just part and parcel of other bigger trial..we do come through all the preparation,we studied,we will to sacrifice everything but the result may vary and it depends upon choice of Him...

i did realised one thing yesterday,.life is all about trades..we sell and Allah buy,and He is a very good buyers,mmbeli skadar what we are,.He take our time our efforts and all the sacrifices but He reply us in a very estimable way,,.at the time we feel lost,undone,feel tired,scared,and hopeless..we might think about give it up,.but deep inside us,knowing we have Him to depend with..and that make us different with others..

p/s~mood:sgt takut in counting day..and at the same time sgt gembira imagining the moment i pass thru the last answer sheets to the inviligator..


Fadzrul Hisyam said...

u've received an award, please go to to pick ur award.

kacipcrew said...

gluck bebeh... ak pon nk exam jugok ni..

kacipcrew said...

gluck bebeh... ak pon nk exam jugok ni..

maisarah said...

Yeay..dpt award..:-)..

maisarah said...

pidi-U too guy,gud luck..

(--kalsiyum--) said...

mai, sudi kah anda menerima award dari saya..? hahah.. jgn xamek taw, amek kt blog ammar... XD

btw, gud luk xm...chayok2

maisarah said...

owh tidak~klu award je ok la~ni dpt "buah tgn"sama,huhu.sya dtag...
ammar,sham~lepas exm boley yea..