Thursday, 16 April 2009

whEn it was a rain

it keeps raining since a couple days ago,and to get off from bed is the toughest things for each n every single morning...the first though that came out is,bestnya klu msa nih kt kg,..with the sound of rain pouring my house's ceiling,and mayb dat the best thing i ever have when m at home..i miss to sleep numbly with no worries about anything..i really mean it when i almost miss the sharp noise of thunder,complete with the rain continuously...haha~feel damnly bad here,and home is the securest place i wanna be right now..

okay,stop with the nicest thing with house and my kg,i now i'll be there some other time..*big sigh* just be patient,it just a couple of months left before i get back and chilling all this things again,haih..xsabr~mayb i sufficiently understand with this phrase..'hujan emas dinegeri orang hujan batu di negeri sndiri..'(which keep repeated by my aunt everytime i call her..)*sigh...

n xkisa da hujan btu kt mn2 pn,as long as it must be a place where i can eat smbal tempoyak,ikan patin msak tempoyak,sambal petai,roti telur,perut with air asam,ikan pari bakar with air asam,.nasi kerabu,nasi dagang,abc,..enough,!!!gosh listing all dis meal make me wanna scream!!.da old memories and masses from past is flashing by in random order like some kind of ipod shuffle in my pls stop think about home by now..

its almost one week left before we get back to university for revision weeks and sit for da exam,.n there's still mountain of notes and problem sheets i haven't revise it yet,but alhamdulillh,.Allah still give me a chance to get prepare and least the extremely level of my stress..and He help to keep me stand with all the difficulties,.instead of all the broken british stuffs...i know it wasn't dat easy to get thru dis,.

al-baqarah verse 214,

"ataukah kamu mngira bahawa kamu akn masuk syurga,pdahal belum datang kepadamu(cubaan)seperti (y dialami) org2 terdahulu sebelum kamu.mereka ditimpa kemelaratan,penderitaan dan diguncang(dengan cubaan),sehingga rasul dan org2 y beriman bersama berkata,"kapankah datang pertolongan Allah?"ingatlah,ssungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu DEKAT..."

owh,hmpir terlupe,arini si bendi hilang,1 rumah aku mncari,..kmna pergi nya bendi,,dlm peti sjuk tade,kabinet tade,.n the worst and unlogic a basket of bendi would be is blik bsuh or rak kasut,.pn tade,.xlupe bwh sofa carBoOT verma.

till this time we still loookin for that bendi,.aliss confidently stress dat she dun't leave dat bendi where else,.(not even in the cinema)syuhh,...i guess dat bendi must be somewhre in the train or maybe sumone steal it when we pull our heart and soul watching 17 again,haha~

this evening,i purposely get myself out of this big black cloud n going to aldi,perhaps there will be any bendi there..and hopefully Nisa will get a stock of dried chili,..damn i can't stand using "killing"chili powder any longer,my tongue burn lahh wei..

moral of the story:

>>keep on eye of your belonging even u'r in cinema..=)

shaded of purple..::


Anonymous said...

bendi oh bendi...mana ko pergi?????

abeh kepoh satu rumah carik bendi...muahahahahahahhahaha....

-Sebungkus bendi hilang di rumah 67, Selly Hill Road tanpa dikesan.Suspek2 telah dikenalpasti dan akan disoal siasat.


maisarah said...

spe2..cpt ngaku,spe curik bndi nih..
unsolVe mysterious~

kacipcrew said...

hek eleh.. masok la weh.. haha.. masok spesel skali skalo

maisarah said...

masak la nih.~wat letih je g cari bndi kt market,da susah nk dpt bendi sni..hilang plop..huhu

imeyk said...

maii..tgk tak ajak!hehe.
nways,bes tak 17 again ni??

maisarah said...

haha,.igt ko nk study,best gilew wey,..t pas abes exm kt hang rami2 ag.,k

Sara Hanapi said...

salam kak sarah...
thnx 4 da info sal pndtg asing tuh..haha...
tak xpect leh jmpe kat sni...
how's ur life lately??
i've been applying medic in newcastle upon tyne, uk...
hopefully dpt, boleh jmpe kat sane...
after all, take care sis..
study leklok

maisarah said...
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