Sunday, 22 March 2009

...::help me...

hope all of u can read it better then bfore..
no new entry for this cumin weeks..huhu,just got provisoinal exm timetable..
wat can i say..must stdy harder then bfore,have to be well prepared.jgn men2 lg.

to be onest,mmg kmalsan agak ketara..

bt hope all this pics do encourage me..

p.s-->ammar,we're in the same boat.


(--kalsiyum--) said...

mainek boat aper??
rowing ker?>>?
klo rowing same la..

chayok3 mai.....!!! =D>

maisarah said...

boat bcOr dn nk karam.

(--kalsiyum--) said...

hahaha...xper2..tampal dlu for the mean time...

sok last paper final, cant wait for it...hahahaha

maisarah said...

God bless u,gud luck till then,

(--kalsiyum--) said...

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... free from hell of xms....

gud lux to u plak... :)

.:fifi:. said...

aip..g tgk page ak n jwb tag tu..ok??hahaha