Being a bit busy lately make me wish everyday is friday and tomorrow is saturday..wanna sleep dreamlessly,and wake up just because my eye say so,..these two weeks i'm a bit confiusing about what happend to me,being overly submissive..too much~it was all so stupid.suck.
act deep inside in me i'm really worried about dis kind of myself, it oleedy week 5,! and i just have 6 weeks left b4 the end of dis term,.somehow feel like time passed rapidly n i jus can stay and doin nothing!damn week is the final week for d normal labs,feels uneager to start my 2nd project,n irritatedly we haven't decide our project yet..haish..tu lab satu hal,scond thing is ,every single lecture is weary by dullness.i hate this part.,extremely mals..wake up(100x)!!!..somehow, i couldn't stop comparing,suspiring and regreting,mayb..haihh,.
no how this is my way,my life n just go along wif it,.go go go..
act mai,i have the same feeling too..nyesal rasenya dtg cni.sume bnde aku rse susah.lecture,lab,assigment and,kita xleh give up.cepatlah kita dpt hbskan 3 thn kat cni kan..huhu..
that wat i wanna to say,but mnyesl pn useless,nway chayouk!!!!
cammon la mai....
br sikit maaa.....
"ermz??"ammar zakwan?
emo je nih,nway tx=)
we're facing the same troubles...
packed week...
but I have to work 24-7 till end of this month!!!
pray 4 me for not to black out during my working time...
anyway, good luck to u there!!!
times were given evenly... just us who make them enough or wasted.
1. ermz...gne name senang2 sudey ammar....
2. Mai, carikan awek dari UK ek...yg pasti Man Utd supporter!!! lalala
haha~i thought u used to it sham,.
da agak ammar upenya.awek UK,nk y mcm mn,?putih,hitam,.nk y man u big fan kna g cri kt old trafford kot once again..huhu
just agak sawo matang pon ok gak...xplu carik putis sgt (kalu ade aku trime ajer...hakz3x)
kalu yg gelap lak...agak2 mcm rihanna or beyonce la...hahaha...(tamak tol aku nih...hahaha)
loh...kat area ko xkan xde MU supporters kot???
rjin plak aku nk g g tya stiap org,or i have to prepare a questionair..who is m.u "supporter.?"
emrz?? sape kah tu...?
style kot dak tuuu...
ammar la tu mai, nick baru..hahaha...
awek kt mesai pn xdpt ag nk cr awek U.K,..xyah mai, buang mase jer...
fuyoo!!stylo nya emrz tu,
xpe la ammar.
sham xmen awek2 melayu nih..
nk aku bg hang cermin ka??
aku pasang cawangan byk daa
dari Lithuania dah sorang, France, Holland, Germany, sumer sorang...UK belom ag...
Kat mesia nih, cawangan setiap negeri dah ade sorang, cme lom masuk cawangan daerah ajer....hahahaha...
cari la awek UK sorang...
xdpt MU suppoter pon jadi la...
asalkan sokong selain Chelsea, Liverpool ngan Arsenal....
kasanova ke ape hah??
ammar..nih bkn stakt kna bagi cermin,segala peralatan optic skali pon da xdpt slmtkn kwan kite nih...
biar la dia mai, dia bahgia da la....
xyah nk layan sgtdak nie,...hahaha...
bg cermin ek optik2 ke, nnt lg prasan lak dia..
mamat nih tgh jeles nih
2 pasal la mamat nih dok hentam aku ajer....
besenye org jeles ni akn cube sedaya upaya utk jatuhkan org lain a.k.a main kotor...
da,da jgn gduh kt cni..huhu
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