today's lab is not too awful,just a few unpredicted incidents..huh,just finishinG lab,.haha smpat snap a pic..knowing Mark is smiling at a corner..a gud new is nex week, no lab session!!!gud to me,(i know)2 u shud got jealous..
hasilnya..last 2 week xperiment(young's modulus of brass)
last week..(electrical rpoblems)
and today=)(shear modulus of steel)
as i dealed with my xperiment,suddenly each and single kepala turned on my back..omg,mark unintentionally broke one of the reagen bottle contain parafin..lalala cian mark,.muka dy cuak gilew,that bottle is big enough to make all the parafin liquids lied all around.
i don't know how chemiSt make a bussiness with thousand odours..bau parafin nie pn is enough to make my noise harm,.talk about smell,.gosh.,guess what my lecture hall smell today..smell like passing gas,!!hahaha disgusting..~i tried to figure out what the act odour,.nk pk pn susa n how can i pay a10tion to the lect.thought, simply end with an assumtion that is alcohol,bau org xmndi sbuln pn ade.eiww)*&%^$(#@!smell it everywhere till the end of the lect..haihh.
Physics...Physics...Physics...tired of them...but we must face it
parafin??? bad smell??? or u need 2 recheck, izzit parafin or your fart 'wind'?
kurg asam..btol la parafin lam lab tu..y fart tu lam lect hall je.
welcome to the taste of being a chemist! muahahaha... busuk eh? ke ade yg tak mandi? hahaha...
walkers mmg the best la! but for me, it's ready salted, the original! muahhahaa...
hope ur room doesn't create any odours as u always take chemical stuff every single experiment..
no,no..walkers nih y pling sedap..
haha.da abes stok la,kna g S&S ag.
haiyooo...jangan la bocor rahsia chemistry aku! haih...
anyway... u are tagged..go see my blog...hihihih...
ummi nih!!!...
"kurg asam..btol la parafin lam lab tu..y fart tu lam lect hall je"
u kantoi di situh...bape banyak la ammonia yg dak ko lepaskan mase ko farting kat lect hall tuh...hahahaha...
hisyam!!!!!!not me la!
xterkutuk btol farted lam lect hall..hahaha.
parafin and fart is two different thing and take different places.n i'm not involved neither parafin nor fart!!
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